The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is a fantastical love story set during the turn of the century. Historical fiction with a magical twist! I successfully completed reading it with five days to spare on my CLAMS rental! Gotta love Christmas break! Although slow in the beginning, the beautiful writing style and unusual storyline held my interest. Once the love story kicked in, I was hooked.
Is it so bad that my life is so dreadful that all I want to do is get lost in the pages of a good book? I definitely identified with the elements of longing for a connection between the main characters in this book and the sense of melancholy woven throughout.
Do moments like these actually exist in real life or are they just in our imaginations?”He longs to reach over and touch her, but he resists, fearful of destroying the delicate camaraderie they are building. He steals glances instead, watching the way the light falls over her skin. Several times he catches her regarding him in a similar manner, and the moments when she holds his eyes with hers are sublime.”
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