"Beautifully researched and ardently imagined, Gunning's writing is so vivid you can taste the salt in the Cape Cod air . . . Her Satucket novels are destined to become classics."
so many books ... so little time; such a slow reader because the nuns didn’t teach phonics
"Beautifully researched and ardently imagined, Gunning's writing is so vivid you can taste the salt in the Cape Cod air . . . Her Satucket novels are destined to become classics."
“Racing is about discipline and intelligence, not about who has the heavier foot. The one who drives smart will always win in the end.”
“There is no dishonor in losing the race . . . There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.”
“The race is long. It is better to drive within oneself and finish the race behind the others than it is to drive too hard and crash.”
“One can never be angry at another driver for a track accident. One can only be upset at himself for being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
"Monkeys have thumbs. Practically the dumbest species on the planet, next to the duck-billed platypus, who make their dens underwater even though they breathe air. The platypus is horribly stupid, but is only slightly dumber than a monkey. Yet monkeys have thumbs. Those monkey-thumbs were meant for dogs. Give me my thumbs, you f-ing monkeys!"
"That which we manifest is before us. The visible become the inevitable. Your car goes where your eyes go."
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." —Inspired by an Eskimo Legend
Ptolemy wondered how he could have lived for so long but still the most important moments of his life were back when he was a child with Coy McCann walking at his side. How could the most important moments of his life be Coy’s last dance on fire and Maude’s death in flames? Hadn’t he lived through poverty, war, old age? Didn’t any of that mean anything?
There are times in your life when things line up and Fate takes a hand in your future,” Ptolemy remembered Coydog saying. “When that happens, you got to move quick and take advantage of the sitchiation or you’ll never know what might have been.”
“How do I know when it’s time to move quick?” L’il Pea asked.
“When somethin’ big happens and then somethin’ else come up.”
"Whenever I see small children wearing glasses, I know there is stuff going on in their household they do not want to look at. If they can't change the experience, they will diffuse the sight so they don't have to see it so clearly."
"Mirror work is very powerful. As children, we received most of our negative messages from others looking us straight in the eye and perhaps shaking a finger at us. Whenever we look into the mirror today, most of us will say something negative to ourselves. We either criticize our looks or berate ourselves for something. To look yourself straight in the eye and make a positive declaration about yourself is, in my opinion, the quickest way to get results with affirmations."
The Shack wrestles with the timeless question, Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?