I remember my daughter trying to explain the plot of Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech to me when she read it in fourth or fifth grade. She struggled to convey the story-within-a-story aspect of it, but ultimately admitted that she didn't really like the book. I've always been curious, so this was my next selection to occupy my mind during the mind-numbing process of MCAS proctering. I just finished reading it last week.
It was a good book to go to bed with at night. I wasn't compelled to read it quickly, but I looked forward to rejoining the main character, 13-year-old Salamanca Tree Hill, on her journey with her grandparents from Ohio to Idaho in search of her mother. As they travel, Sal shares with her grandparents the story of her friend Phoebe Winterbottom. This is the story-within.
Both stories explore the themes of family bonds, abandonment, and independence. I could relate to many elements in this book. For one, I love Sal's depiction of Worry as she ponders the contents of Pandora's box.
"I wondered why someone would put a good thing such as Hope in a box with sickness and kidnapping and murder." She decides there must be another box with all good things in it, "like sunshine and love and trees and all that." She continues, "Who had the good fortune to open that one, and was there one bad thing down there in the bottom of the good box? Maybe it was Worry. Even when everything seems fine and good, I worry that something will go wrong and change everything." (page 175) Yup, I can relate.
Also, Sal's reflection on happiness (page 38) echoes my own journey of self-discovery.
"Oh!" I thought. "I am happy at this moment in time." I was surprised that I knew this all by myself, without my mother there. And that night in bed, I did not cry. I said to myself, "Salamanca Tree Hiddle, you can be happy without her." It seemed a mean thought and I was sorry for it, but if felt true.
Another poignant reference to growing up occurs when Sal recalls her mother explaining the behavior of their dog Moody Blue who began ignoring her six-month-old puppies.
I told my mother that Moody Blue was being terrible. "She hates her puppies.""It's not terrible," my mother said. "It's normal. She's weaning them from her.""Does she have to do that? Why can't they stay with her?""It isn't good for her or for them. They have to become independent. What if something happened to Moody Blue? They wouldn't know how to survive without her." (page 258)
So simple, so true. The hardest job for a parent is letting go.